english contents
Infographics - France's rankings for agricultural and agrifood production
Discover our infographics on France's rankings for agricultural and agrifood production.
28 décembre 2017 Info +

Infographics - The European union, the world's largest agricultural producer
Discover our infographics on the European union, the world's largest agricultural producer.
28 décembre 2017 Info +

“Towards the 2020 CAP”: the minister brings the stakeholders together for discussions on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy
At the instigation of the French minister of Agriculture and Food, all national stakeholders with an interest in the future of the CAP were brought together for the first time on Tuesday 19 December 2017 at the OECD. Representatives of the three major bodies of fundamental importance for EU policy also took part in the “Toward the 2020 CAP” conference, most notably Commissioner Phil Hogan, members of the European Parliament and several European ministers of agriculture.
20 décembre 2017 Info +

« Cap sur la Pac 2020 »: the future of the Common Agricultural Policy
The day of reflection « Cap sur la Pac 2020 » devoted to the future of the Common Agricultural Policy takes place on 19 December at the OECD Conference Centre, in Paris.
19 décembre 2017 Actualité

Presentation document of the CAP, its historical role and its implementation in the EU and in France
The objectives of the CAP are enshrined in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Considered together, the benefits of its implementation across the EU make the CAP a European policy for the future for the Union and one of major importance for France.
18 décembre 2017 Actualité

The French National Food Conference
Announced by Emmanuel Macron last June, the French National Food Conference aims to revitalise the creation of value and its fair distribution, enable farmers and growers to earn a decent living from their work by receiving payment of fair prices, support a transformation in models of production in order to respond more effectively to consumer expectations and needs and, lastly, promote consumer choice with food that is healthy, safe and sustainable.
25 octobre 2017 Info +

World Future Council awards international prize for best policies to combat desertification
Yesterday, the Future Policy Award (FPA) ceremony was held at the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD in Ordos, Inner Mongolia (China). Among the laureates are the Ethiopian Tigray region, Brazil, China and the "4 per 1000 Initiative".
12 septembre 2017 Info +

Video - 3 minutes to understand the 4‰ Initiative Soils
Video - 3 minutes to understand the 4‰ Initiative Soils
27 juin 2017 Info +

Join the 4‰ Initiative Soils for food security and climate
Join the 4% Initiative Soils for food security and climate
27 juin 2017 Info +

HEV certification
High environmental value (HEV) corresponds to the highest level of a more general scheme of environmental certification for farms.
23 mai 2017 Info +

Ecoantibio Plan 2012-2016 : Summary and Key Achievements
The Ecoantibio Plan is a public policy set up by the Ministry of Agriculture, Agro-Food and Forestry. It relates to all animal sectors (including pets) and covers all French territories.
23 novembre 2016 Info +

Agriculture takes center stage as COP22 begins in Morocco
COP21 resulted in an agreement on cutting atmospheric carbon. Now, COP22 will focus on how the world will adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects, especially in developing countries. The meeting is expected to have a greater focus on agriculture, and specifically on Africa. By Judith Schwartz.
08 novembre 2016 Info +

The High Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas – CGAAER
The Conseil général de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et des espaces ruraux (High Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas – CGAAER) is a high level advisory body under the direct authority of the Minister in charge of Agriculture.
14 septembre 2016 Info +

The agroecology project in France
France is committed to changing production models in order to combine economic, social and environment high performance: this is the Agroecology Project. An ambitious public policy that involves all partners in the sector.
17 août 2016 Info +

The National Rural Network, a driver for rural areas
It is the role of the National Rural Network to act as a driver for rural areas. As a key tool in the development policy for rural areas, its core purpose is to highlight good practice and encourage innovative projects.
08 juillet 2016 Info +

COP21 : agriculture and forestry at the heart of the solution for the climate
From 30 November to 11 December 2015, France chairs and hosts the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11). The conference is crucial because the expected outcome is a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below 2°C.
01 décembre 2015 Info +

Forest and global warming : the stakes in 3 minutes
Video - 3 minutes to understand the sustainable forest management
26 novembre 2015 Info +

Infographics - What effects is climate change expected to have on agricultural systems ?
25 novembre 2015 Info +

Interview with Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, managing Director of the DGPE
COP 21, due to take place at "The Bourget" from 30 November to 11 December, marks a key milestone towards a new international climate agreement. Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, Managing Director of the DGPE, tells us more about the objectives and challenges of COP 21.
06 novembre 2015 Info +