english contents

English contents about COP 21
13 octobre 2015 Carrefour
Nearly 2.5 Million Acres in France Committed to Organic Agriculture in 2014
Agriculture biologique
23 septembre 2015 Info +

Developing Local and Regional Food Production Systems
Developing Local and Regional Food Production Systems
23 septembre 2015 Info +

The French platform for epidemiological surveillance in animal health by and for those involved in animal health
The French platform for epidemiological surveillance in animal health by and for those involved in animal health
23 septembre 2015 Info +

The French Strategy for Animal Welfare
The French Strategy for Animal Welfare
23 septembre 2015 Info +

Using agriculture in fight against climate change
France and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) co-sponsor on September 16, 2015 in Paris an international conference :
22 septembre 2015 Info +

Encouraging Results for the Ecophyto Plan for the Reduction of Pesticide Use
23 juillet 2015 Info +

Analysis n°73 - october 2014 French agriculture and the challenge of climate change : what are the prospects for mitigating its greenhouse gas emissions?
Agriculture can contribute to combat climate change and cut down on net emissions of greenhouse gas (GHGs) by reducing its own emissions, storing carbon in the soil or producing renewable energies that mitigate GHGs by replacing fossil fuels.
26 novembre 2014 Info +
The new Farm Bill : strengthening subsidized crop insurances and counter cyclical payments - Analysis n°74
The new American Farm Bill of 2014 gets rid of decoupled payments.
26 novembre 2014 Info +

Changing production models to combine economic and environmental performance
Changing production models to combine economic and environmental performance
18 septembre 2014 Actualité

Analysis n°68 - april 2014 The future of water resource availability in France: how is the agricultural sector taken into account in foresight studies?
Whereas water is one of the factors that determine human activities – including agriculture – and ensure ecosystems function properly, its use is already under considerable strain in some French regions.
07 mai 2014 Info +

Analysis n°65 - november 2013 The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) : networks as drivers for innovation in agriculture
The EIP is a new European instrument driving research policy and the CAP and is designed to support partnerships between key players in development, agricultural education, farmers, researchers and businesses.
26 novembre 2013 Info +
Analysis n°62 - September 2013 Agriculture, forestry and climate : the road to new adaptation strategies The <i>AFClim</i> foresight study’s key findings
Farms and forests depend heavily on natural cycles and conditions, and are therefore particularly exposed to climate change.
27 septembre 2013 Info +
Analysis n°61 - September 2013 Conservation agriculture
Notwithstanding the fact that the history of agriculture invariably centres on ploughing the soil–symbolically and in a very real sense–, a number of stakeholders are pushing for less or no tilling, as an interesting lever to improve farming system performance.
27 septembre 2013 Info +
Analysis n°59 - july 2013 Agro-ecology : different definitions, common principles
The term “agro-ecology” is becoming increasingly common in scientific publications, and is used more and more often to refer to a new agricultural model that could purportedly reconcile the economic and environmental challenges in agriculture.
24 juillet 2013 Info +
Analysis n°58 - july 2013 Farmed animals’ status and rights in France : developments, challenges and outlook
The status and rights of animals have evolved radically in the West, and developments have gathered considerable momentum over the past few decades.
13 juillet 2013 Info +
Analysis n°52 - october 2012 Marketing and quality assurance, essential keys to rice production increases in Ghana
Several countries in Western Africa are dependent on imports of cereals in order to ensure their food security.
07 février 2013 Info +