english contents
Globalization through trade in food products: structural trends and an explorative prospective analysis - Analyse n°102
Based on the Chapter 2 of the MOND'Alim 2030 book written by the Center for Studies and Strategic Foresight, this Analysis draws out the main characteristics and trends in agrifood trade (increasing numbers of flows, countries and products, an expanding role for private-sector actors, value chain segmentation, etc.) and formulates hypotheses for the next fifteen years.
07 août 2019 Info +

The French ministry of Agriculture and Food
The French ministry of Agriculture and Food prepares and coordinates the Government's policies in the fields of agriculture, agri-food business, forest and wood industry, fisheries and aquaculture.
04 avril 2019 Info +

Agriculture, agri-food, forestry and bio-economy : overview of actions to adress climate change chalenges
The most recent special report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is unequivocal about the magnitude of the threat posed by climate change and the urgent need for action to achieve greenhouse gas emissions pathways to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
14 décembre 2018 Info +

Food behaviours as reflections of globalisation: trends to 2030 - Analyse n°103
This note draws the main trends on food behaviour from the first chapter of the MOND'Alim strategic foresight exercise led by the Centre for Studies and Strategic Foresight (CEP).
13 décembre 2018 Info +

MOND’Alim 2030 : a forward look at food system globalization - Analyse CEP n°100
"This note draws the main lessons from the MOND'Alim strategic foresight exercise led by the Centre for Studies and Strategic Foresight (CEP), and based on the work of about thirty experts."
03 décembre 2018 Info +

Infographics - Law to promote balanced commercial relationships in the agricultural and food sector and healthy, sustainable food
Discover our infographics on the "Law to promote balanced commercial relationships in the agricultural and food sector and healthy, sustainable food"
23 octobre 2018 Info +

Action plan - Xylella fastidiosa 2017/2018
How does the action plan against Xylella fastidiosa work? How can we prevent new contamination in the territory? Find all information.
15 octobre 2018 Info +

A bioeconomy strategy for France: 2018-2020 Action plan
On the occasion of the International Agricultural Fair (SIA) in Paris In February 2018, the french minister for Agriculture and Food, presented the Bioeconomy Action plan.
04 octobre 2018 Info +

Plant Health Safety
How does the device for plants safety work? What are the different checkpoints? Who is responsible for ensuring the safety of plants? Find all information and key figures.
23 août 2018 Info +

The minister of agriculture and food and his German counterpart Julia Klöckner issue a joint declaration on the future CAP
On Monday 16th July, the minister of agriculture and food, and his German counterpart Julia Klöckner, federal minister of food and agriculture, issued a joint declaration on the future CAP, as presented to European agriculture ministers.
10 août 2018 Info +

French national veterinary and phytosanitary investigation unit (BNEVP)
The French National Veterinary and Phytosanitary Investigation Unit (BNEVP) is a department of the Directorate General for Food (DGAL), which oversees food safety, health and plant and animal production in conjunction with regional and departmental authorities.
06 août 2018 Info +

All about the Summer School
Veterinary authorities of countries trading with European Union Member States should be aware of European regulation.
06 août 2018 Info +

French National Bovine Tuberculosis Action Plan 2017-2022
This national bovine tuberculosis control plan supports the objective of ultimate eradication by reinforcing the surveillance, biosecurity, control and management measures and adapting them to differing regional contexts.
06 juillet 2018 Info +

Waste Less... Eat Better!
Did you know that a third of all food produced globally is either lost or discarded ? France has been at the forefront of efforts to reduce such losses by banning supermarkets from wasting edible food. However consumers play a crucial role as well and must help drive change. The ministry of Agriculture and Food is actively involved and has devised a prevention campaign that you will find here.
02 mai 2018 Info +

Global Forum on Agroecology
The 2nd International agroecology Symposium is taking place in Rome from the 3rd to the 5th April 2018. 700 policy-makers, agroecology practitioners, academics, and representatives from government, civil society, the private sector and UN agencies are gathered to identify needs, challenges and opportunities that can help scale-up and scale-out agroecology.
04 avril 2018 Info +

Health monitoring of animal and plant products
DGAL is the French general directorate for food. Its main tasks are to supervise the safety and quality of foodstuffs at every stage of the food chain, as well as the health and protection of animals and plants. Find out here data and main activities.
20 mars 2018 Info +

Xylella fastidiosa: one of the most dangerous plant-bactery in the world
This is one of the most dangerous plant-bactery in the world : its name is Xylella Fastidiosa. Present in the nature, it blocks the passage of water and nutrients into its host plants, resulting in a fatal consequences. Xylella doesn't just threaten EU agriculture, but it also has an impact on the environment and our economy….
16 mars 2018 Info +

English contents
08 mars 2018 Carrefour
Infographics - The Common agricultural policy
Discover our infographics on the Common agricultural policy.
28 décembre 2017 Info +