The French ministry of Agriculture and Food
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The French ministry of Agriculture and Food prepares and coordinates the Government's policies in the fields of agriculture, agri-food business, forest and wood industry, fisheries and aquaculture. In close collaboration with the ministry of Economy and Finance and the ministry of Health and Solidarities, it prepares and deployed the Government's policy in the food area. It participates also in the implementation of the Government's policy for international trade. In respect of this matter, it represents the French Government in international bodies and organisations.
The ministry of Agriculture and Food comprises around 36 000 agents, half of whom are in the sector of agricultural education and training.
The ministry of Agriculture and Food is organized around four General Directorates, whose action is coordinated by the Secretory General:
- The Secretory General ensures the management of the human resources, the financial affairs, the services' organisation, and implements the Ministry's policy for modernisation;
- The Directorate General of Economic and Environmental Performance of Enterprises (DGPE) has the ambition to make the enterprises of the agricultural, agri-food, forestry, horse and bioenergy sectors being the green and innovating force of the French economy;
- The Directorate General for Food (DGAL) implements, in collaboration with the administrative services of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and of the ministry of Health and Solidarities, the policies related to the food safety and food quality controls;
- The Directorate General of Education and Research (DGER) implements the policy related to agricultural education and training and is involved in the definition and management of the agronomic, biotechnological and veterinary research;
- The Directorate General of Maritime and Aquaculture Fishing (DPMA) is competent in the areas of sea fisheries, marine and continental aquaculture, and fish products.
The action of the central administration is relayed in each of the 13 French regions by Regional Directorates for Agriculture, Food and Forestry and of the 101 Sub-Regional Directorates in charge of Territories and the People's Protection.
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