Infographics - Farming France
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Infographics - Farming France
France has 437 400 agricultural holdings (2016)
824 000 people live and work on french farms (2016) - 70% of them or 564 000 are farmers
1/4 of heads & joint heads of holdings are women
Women represent 30% of the permanent agriculture workforce
Agrifood generates 3rd largest trade surplus with €7.9 billion in 2019 after chemistry-perfumes-cosmetics & transport equipment
The EU's biggest cattle herd: 19 million head of cattle including 3.6 million dairy cows
Animal production: milk 36%, cattles 21%, pigs 13%, poultries 12%, eggs 6%, calves 4%, sheeps & goats 3%, others 4%
Beverages, wines & spirit are france's biggest export products
France is the 6th greatest agrifood exporter in the world
1st european grower accounts for 18% of european agricultural production, more than Italy and Spain
Field crops (cereals, oilseed, protein crops, beet, etc.) represent a little over 45% of utilised agriculture area
5th world wheat grower after china, india, russia and USA
The fruit & vegetable sector counts 450 000 jobs & 75 000 companies
36% of france land area is natural environments (forest, moorland, rock, etc.)
Woodland covers 17 million hectares, or nearly 31% of france (metropolitan france)
52% of france's land area is farmland (2017)
Source : Agreste / Graphagri 2018
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04 novembre 2015Production & filières