Infographics - Law to promote balanced commercial relationships in the agricultural and food sector and healthy, sustainable food
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Law to promote balanced commercial relationships in the agricultural and food sector and healthy, sustainable food
Enabling farmers and growers to earn a decent income by improving the apportionment of value
- System for forming prices using production costs and market prices;
- A core task for interbranch representative bodies: to build “indicators of reference” for production costs and market indicators;
- Raising the minimum mark-up on food loss leaders to 10% and placing controls on promotional offers.
Improving sanitary and environmental conditions in production
- A ban on neonicotinoids and other products with identical modes of action in order to protect biodiversity and bees;
- Separation of sales activity from advisory services for plant protection products. A ban on rebates, price cuts and discounts;
- Suspension of use of titanium dioxide in food products;
- Protection of populations adjacent to areas under phytosanitary treatment.
Improving animal welfare
- Extension of the offence of maltreatment of an animal. Penalties to be doubled;
- Non-profit animal protection associations able to register as civil parties to criminal cases;
- Appointment of an animal protection manager as whistleblower in every slaughterhouse;
- Trials of CCTV use in slaughterhouses.
- A ban on entry into production of all new farm buildings for caged laying hens.
Encouraging healthy, safe and sustainable food for all
- 50% of local products or origin- and quality-labelled products (including organic) in public-sector institutional catering by 2022;
- Intensification of efforts to control food waste: extension of charitable donation to institutional catering and the agrifood industry;
- Restaurants to be obliged to supply doggy-bags;
- Origin labelling on honey.
Reducing the use of plastic in relation to foodstuffs
- A ban on plastic containers for cooking, warming and serving food in local government catering services by 2025;
- A ban on plastic stirrers and straws in restaurants, take-aways, canteens and food shops by 2020;
- A ban on plastic bottles in school canteens by 2020.