The French National Food Conference
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Announced by President Emmanuel Macron last June, the French National Food Conference aims to revitalise the creation of value and its fair distribution, enable farmers and growers to earn a decent living from their work by receiving payment of fair prices, support a transformation in models of production in order to respond more effectively to consumer expectations and needs and, lastly, promote consumer choice with food that is healthy, safe and sustainable.
The French National Food Conference has been divided into two broad work areas :
- An initial area devoted the creation and distribution of value,
- A second area of work on food that is healthier, safer, more sustainable and affordable for all.
The debate launched by the French National Food Conference brings together all stakeholders: the farming and fisheries world, agrifood companies, retail distribution, consumers, institutional catering, elected representatives, social partners, actors in the social and solidarity economy and in the health sector, NGOs, charities and international food aid, banks and insurance companies.
Fourteen thematic workshops will be held between the end of August and the end of November. The entirety of their considerations and contributions will be used to define a national roadmap.