Economic organisations in agricultural sectors and impacts on farmers’ incomes - Analysis n°168
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By grouping together, agricultural producers can collectively structure the sale of their products to improve their position in agri-food value chains. This grouping, more or less advanced, may or may not involve ownership transfer of agricultural products and is based on a variety of legal structures. At the request of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAA), a study was carried out on these economic organisation tools. Conducted by ABCIS and Blézat Consulting, it analysed their place in various sectors and their impact on the income of member farmers. This note presents the main findings.
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The notes published in the CEP Analyses series present in 4 pages the main reflections on a topical subject falling within the fields of intervention of the ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation. Depending on the issue, they favor a prospective, strategic or evaluative approach.
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