07 août 2019 Info +

MOND’Alim 2030 : the governance and regulation of food system globalization - Analyse n°115

The globalization of food systems has entered a new phase, one that the MOND’Alim 2030 foresight analysis study led by the Centre for Studies and Strategic Foresight (CEP) has set out to describe. Governance processes are changing swiftly and while multilateral rules continue to structure food systems, it is a framework that is encountering more and more competition. Current regulations are tending to bring about convergence between agricultural policies and normative food standards, but their coordination is limited in some cases. At a time when private initiatives are increasingly numerous, action by governments is being reinforced in several domains. The present note explains and describes these core trends.

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Les notes d’Analyse présentent en quatre pages l’essentiel des réflexions sur un sujet d’actualité relevant des champs d’intervention du ministère de l’agriculture et de l'alimentation. Selon les numéros, elles privilégient une approche prospective, stratégique ou évaluative.